Güncel Sayı

Cilt: 14 Sayı: 2, 31.12.2022

Yıl: 2022

İSTATİSTİK, Journal of the Turkish Statistical Association is a refereed journal which publishes papers containing original contributions to probability, statistics and their interface of them other disciplines where prosperity of scientific thought emerges through innovation, vitality and communication on interdisciplinary grounds. The Journal is published four-monthly. The language of the Journal is English.

The main areas of publication are probability and stochastic processes, theory of statistics, applied statistics, statistical computing and simulation, and interdisciplinary applications in social, demographic, engineering, physical, medical, biological, agricultural, computer science, management science, econometrics, etc. In addition, the journal contains original research reports, authoritative review papers, discussions on papers and occasional special issues on particular topics or on relevant conference proceedings.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check their submission's compliance with all of the following items. Submissions  that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to authors.

1.      The submission has not been previously published, or is being considered for publication in another journal.

2.      The submission file is in Portable Document Format (PDF) prepared in LaTeX (TEX) document file format.

3.      Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.

4.      The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

5.      References should be listed in alphabetical order and should be in the following formats:

Cai, T. and Low, M. (2005). Non-quadratic estimators of a quadratic functional. The Annals of Statistics, 33, 2930-2956.

Meyer, Y. (1992). Wavelets and Operators. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Cox, D. (1969). Some sampling problems in technology. In New Developments in Survey Sampling (N.L. Johnson and H. Smith, Jr., eds.). Wiley, New York, 506-527.

the journal editors are subject to the following ethical guidelines for articles submitted for peer review.

Journal editors should give unbiased consideration to each manuscript submitted for publication. They should judge each on its merits, without regard to race, religion, nationality, sex, seniority, or institutional affiliation of the author(s).
Journal editors must keep the peer-review process confidential. They must not share information about a manuscript with anyone outside of the peer-review process.
Journal editors may reject a submitted manuscript without formal peer review if they consider it to be inappropriate for the journal and outside its scope.
Journal editors should delegate the peer review of any original self-authored research article to a member of the editorial or advisory board as appropriate.Journal editors should make all reasonable effort to process submissions on time.

If a journal editor receives convincing evidence that the main substance or conclusions of an article published in the journal are incorrect, then,  the journal editor should ensure the publication of an appropriate notice of correction.

Any data or analysis presented in a submitted manuscript should not be used in a journal editor’s own research without the consent of the author.

There are no "article processing charges" (APCs) or "page charges"associated with this journal.

Prior to publication, all manuscripts, with the exception of Editorials and Technical comments, undergo a single blind peer review, conducted by independent experts in the field.